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Link to Us !

I have had so many requests from people asking about providing links from their own websites to, that I decided to create this instruction page.

If you operate a website and this time service would be of interest to your visitors, customers, or clients, please feel free to link to us. You don't need any sort of permission from us, just use the instructions below as a guide.


Step 1: Download an Image for the Link

Choose which one of the images below that you would like for the link on your website.

Right-Click on it with your mouse, and select Save Image As... Select somewhere on your machine to save the image to and press Save.


Step 2: Upload the Image to Your Server

Upload the image file to your server, or install it in the normal way.


Step 3: Install the Link on Your Web Page

The URL for the hyperlink should be:


Install the following HTML code on your web page:

<a href="" target="_top"><img src="{image path}/{image filename}" alt="" border=0></a>


{image path} is the directory path where you store your images
{image filename} is the name of the image file that you downloaded


For example if you store images under the /images directory on your server, and the file that you downloaded was atz03.gif, then the HTML code would be:

<a href="" target="_top"><img src="/images/atz03.gif" alt="" border=0></a>


Feel free to place the link where you want on the page, and bracket the code with <center></center> if you think that it looks better centered on the page.